Birdwatching, in all senses of the word, is what I do when I go to Bayfront Park near SFO.
Let me take you with me!

I open FlightRadar24 and LiveATC and pop in an earbud. In one ear I listen to the soothing patter of "line up wait," "clear to land," and "g'day" and in the other I hear the pointed cry of the shorebirds. To take flight, birds slap their wings against the water while jet engines use combustion to power up their air compressors and turbines.
I inhale the smells of jet fuel and brine. I feel the warmth of sun on my back from the southwest and a cool breeze from the northeast, pushing my hair from my face for a clear view of the two sets of perpendicular runways.
The water stretching between me and the runways can be crinkled like foil or as smooth as an oil slick. The ducks and the planes seemingly don't care either way and go about their business.

There are other species of bird too. On the shoreline walking path mamas and papas push their strollers beside business travelers on their cell phones. Motorized wheelchairs buzz by the tripods of aviation photographers readying for the next "heavy" or , generally, an airplane weighing over 15 tons (think a Boeing 747 or an Airbus A300 or larger).

There is a harmony in it all for me.
I come here as often as my commute allows, which can be a couple times a week or month. But I never lose or exhaust the pure joy of this place.

I post photos from my visits to nirvana as they happen -- plus other material -- on Instagram: